Our Services

Six Monthly Visual Inspection

All Inlets, landing valves, drain valves, door hinges and locking arrangements to the inlet and landing valve boxes have been inspected including all valves, spindles, glands and washers to ensure that they are in satisfactory condition, so that all equipment is ready for immediate use.

Annual Static Pressure Test

A 12 bar, 15 minute hydraulic wet test will be carried out annually, so the rising main can be checked for leaks as detailed in BS 9990: 2015.

(Please don’t be fooled by anyone saying it can be tested with air. It can not and will cause damage to the valves and screwed pipework connections)

Professional Dry Riser Services

Servicing and maintenance 
Maintenance frequency and procedures are carried out in accordance with BS 9990:2015,  BS 9991 or BS 9999 as appropriate. 

Major repairs
Replacement of damaged or corroded pipe work .

Rerouting of systems for building refurbishment work.

Upgrading systems from previous British Standards follow building alterations.

Installation of dry riser systems in new builds or property conversions as required.

Testing of private fire hydrants 
Pressure test, flow test and inspection of private underground fire hydrants.

Contact our team to book Maintenance and Testing for your Dry Riser.

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